Monday, August 27, 2012

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Wei Niefu men array to prevent the landing of Tiger Army infantry Group, suffered a serious blow avalanche of arrows called their rows of fall and had to dodge one side, side back, the gradual withdrawal of the first layer of the coastal barriers, back to the other side belemnite attack outside the scope of the fortress and fortifications of the offshore hundred meters behind.
Wei Niefu men to retreat and retreat of the infantry, it is Tiger Army is willing to see with the red prayer flags waving in the nfl the hands of Tiger Army and navy while continuing to suppress the enemy using arrows, while quickly dock, put down the pedal , the boat landing Jiashi have a group of connected group of out of the cabin, jumped into the river bank, and quickly gather the lineup.
Look, Tiger Army beach landing plan is almost done!
However, Weinie Fu is indeed well-war veteran, he has long been prepared, heavily armored cavalry Group began a rapid impact as he gave the order, the men has long wait for a long time!
The north shore of the war drums suddenly comes up,oakley sunglasses cheap, tightly guarded flash north heavy cavalry braved the arrows, as round after round of steel torrent, such as mercury spilled in to the not yet assembled a good landing Tiger Army infantry group launched a surprise onslaught!
Even after several months of hard training, infantry landing is still difficult to cloth in such a short period of time defensive formation, some Jiashi are looking for team more Jiashi just jumped on the warships, while the defensive cavalry spikes stakes and thistles and other appliances do not yet brought down from the warships.
Wei Niefu this trick a half to Tenacious and experienced veterans, was feeding his comrades shield side by side, erected on the ground trying to stop the cavalry charge, however, they are based on the soft beach of the river bank, there is no solid anchor.
In order to facilitate the close fight and arms with the landing of infantry killer gun Jiashi less than a third, more people took the sword and Tomahawk, which also led to a makeshift infantry defensive formation into the lack of sufficient ability to resist cavalry shock.
With the powerful potential of heavy cavalry, tall long spear guns easily swept away the landing infantry lines. Called masi people on the battlefield, their feet, Tiger Army beachhead forces felled a fall,cheap oakley sunglasses, and cares for his comrades safety of the water archers not the enemy battlefield intertwined arrows, launch, only to behind enemy lines, side forces could do nothing for the one-sided in front of the battlefield situation.
Flash heavy cavalry of the North aroused mad, they rush back and forth, landing of thousands of people of the Tiger Army Infantry Group was washed pieces, littered with riparian, the rest of the brave soldiers only fighting each other, struggling to support, seems to have escaped not the fate of the tragic death of a foreign land ...
Half an hour ago, he confidently with thousands of the landing force beachhead ashore, the desire to achieve break the enemy's camp, oriented side forces to establish a solid bridgehead.
Today, more than 20 minutes a short period of time, they flash North cavalry total defeat! Side of his comrades one by one

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