Monday, August 27, 2012

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Wei Niefu men array to prevent the landing of Tiger Army infantry Group, suffered a serious blow avalanche of arrows called their rows of fall and had to dodge one side, side back, the gradual withdrawal of the first layer of the coastal barriers, back to the other side belemnite attack outside the scope of the fortress and fortifications of the offshore hundred meters behind.
Wei Niefu men to retreat and retreat of the infantry, it is Tiger Army is willing to see with the red prayer flags waving in the nfl the hands of Tiger Army and navy while continuing to suppress the enemy using arrows, while quickly dock, put down the pedal , the boat landing Jiashi have a group of connected group of out of the cabin, jumped into the river bank, and quickly gather the lineup.
Look, Tiger Army beach landing plan is almost done!
However, Weinie Fu is indeed well-war veteran, he has long been prepared, heavily armored cavalry Group began a rapid impact as he gave the order, the men has long wait for a long time!
The north shore of the war drums suddenly comes up,oakley sunglasses cheap, tightly guarded flash north heavy cavalry braved the arrows, as round after round of steel torrent, such as mercury spilled in to the not yet assembled a good landing Tiger Army infantry group launched a surprise onslaught!
Even after several months of hard training, infantry landing is still difficult to cloth in such a short period of time defensive formation, some Jiashi are looking for team more Jiashi just jumped on the warships, while the defensive cavalry spikes stakes and thistles and other appliances do not yet brought down from the warships.
Wei Niefu this trick a half to Tenacious and experienced veterans, was feeding his comrades shield side by side, erected on the ground trying to stop the cavalry charge, however, they are based on the soft beach of the river bank, there is no solid anchor.
In order to facilitate the close fight and arms with the landing of infantry killer gun Jiashi less than a third, more people took the sword and Tomahawk, which also led to a makeshift infantry defensive formation into the lack of sufficient ability to resist cavalry shock.
With the powerful potential of heavy cavalry, tall long spear guns easily swept away the landing infantry lines. Called masi people on the battlefield, their feet, Tiger Army beachhead forces felled a fall,cheap oakley sunglasses, and cares for his comrades safety of the water archers not the enemy battlefield intertwined arrows, launch, only to behind enemy lines, side forces could do nothing for the one-sided in front of the battlefield situation.
Flash heavy cavalry of the North aroused mad, they rush back and forth, landing of thousands of people of the Tiger Army Infantry Group was washed pieces, littered with riparian, the rest of the brave soldiers only fighting each other, struggling to support, seems to have escaped not the fate of the tragic death of a foreign land ...
Half an hour ago, he confidently with thousands of the landing force beachhead ashore, the desire to achieve break the enemy's camp, oriented side forces to establish a solid bridgehead.
Today, more than 20 minutes a short period of time, they flash North cavalry total defeat! Side of his comrades one by one

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

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Did not think

Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Looked cold Mo slowly raised his right hand, the heart of the generals of all ethnic groups, also referred to the throat, they know that this hand will soon fall ...
Finally, high in the cold Mo's hand held to the highest, cheap nfl meal is necessary under the command twice muffled rang ...
Hear the this twice muffled, all is not toward the sound coming from the direction looked the next moment ... all mouth fell open in surprise Pakistan, in particular, of all ethnic groups generals, the inner l infinite hope.
The location of the station on the city's head, the original cow on behalf of, at this moment stands a particularly burly body, head to one of the strong Tauren higher than other cattle.
At the moment ... he was a look of anger, pointing to kick off the walls of cattle on behalf shouted: ? He said that would massacre, do you think he did not dare? Cattle breath or two, Tauren angry continued: Here, Tauren turned to me and shoved high sentence from the right hand shouted: Slowly played the voice said, and the Tauren fast jump the wall, the figure quickly disappeared behind the walls of the soon ...... the heavy door, in the crunch ... the open, look around, open the door It is that Tauren!
Smiling face out of the gate, the Tauren quickly came to the front of my face simple and honest smile on me; really, hehe ...... so, I have the door open to you, is you do not need to attack us pull! Puzzled look before Tauren do not know why, I always kind of deja vu, but this can not ah, in my eyes, the Tauren are a long way, in addition to the different body size, other I can not tell which one is which.
See my face of doubts, white and even soon see over, gently leans over my ear and whispered: I suddenly nodded his head, no wonder I feel familiar with it, this guy is from time to put out a large prison, still I rub two meals, and finally holding a big box of jewelry to go cow - Ben Niu you?
Looked a look of simple and honest smile, Niu Ben, do not know why,new york giants caps, my heart raised the feeling of a foreign land refresher, although we do not get along, but take so long to see him again when the heart actually was particularly cordial.
Smiled and nodded his head, I gently said: Blessings ......
Ben Niu happy nodded, smiled and said:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

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. Almost no voice in the huge barracks, fatigue-day soldiers of the sleep, although these days are no major war, but the battle in the grasslands of the small unit is still inevitable confrontation of such a small unit even more than large forces combat more fierce and cruel, often based on the result of ending party annihilated, Luo base cavalry northwest Qingqi, it seems that they mind did not surrender this word may feel that died on the battlefield is the honor of a soldier destination.
Several lights cage and the torch is still hanging around along the Camp sentry on years of operations of the nomads are also working with the farming nation learned to camp the use of fences and trenches to prevent the enemy robbed camp, although construction was their Zhaiqiang and trenches rough primitive than those farming nation much, but for these nomadic people known as the mobility, and attack attack has always been their modus operandi, that consciousness is pretty good.
The southwest corner of a tent, cover tightly, thick skin accounts with the lights cut off from the outer look of the Gansu colored middle-aged man sitting silently big chair, silent, eyes Weibi seemed to be waiting all three days, are beyond their expected time for three days,fake oakleys, rivals what so what? Do your own judgment error,replica oakley sunglasses, Lee nfl does not receive timely intelligence dismissed? or did not understand now Luo base levy the eastern part of the Not impossible, Lee nfl intelligence network can not be so low-energy, the man shook his head, rejected the idea, each initiated from the enemy offensive and usually performance, supported by strong intelligence system, Lee nfl can not dare to so bold offensive Beisang even suspect that they have been dismissed if there will be Lee nfl in which any form of cheating.
But the enemy Why not move it? Is Lee nfl see through his own performances? Beisang subconscious frowned, but then to deny their doubts, Although Lee the nfl intelligence officers pervasive, but Beisang believe he Li nfl no ability to penetrate into their high-ranking officers in the subordinate, the level of the arrangement that he has done is Lee nfl intelligence officers may touch on, he could not perceive to draw the secret here.
Slight sigh breath Beisang heart full of bitterness, if tonight is no hope, I'm afraid he will have to implement a plan to withdraw, Lee nfl may really be before the battle to fight fear of conservative, but still Unfortunately, strenuous effort cloth Board is willing to give up before us.
Came the hasty step over the off-balance, drapery yixian, one of the officers look Jichong run came came Beisang in front of a burst of whispering has been some premonition of Beisang suddenly swept away just lonely and depressed, suddenly stops up, beat up beat set down on the table, face-lift on the SG Zhan, The dark night like to know tonight is about to have a decision of both the outcome of the war, could not bear to see this scene of bloody, and even the moon and the stars are hiding, huge grassland only unknown

Monday, August 13, 2012

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Large tracts of fertile land, Tanghe looting grab the North Luzon, the total is not that we Luzon only watched the aggressor unconscionable and indifferent? But the Grand Duke may rest assured, we Luzon never Liberty City, any other ideas. sentence to the middle-aged man is sweating, his face is red while white burst, I do not know how to answer go.
I hope your country in the act strategy more carefully, do not rush to such action, this continent the situation affect the situation as a whole, if your State of mishap, also implicated our allies. just charming dissolute look, Stern said.
Middle-aged man, a cold heart, know each Hualiyouhua, but he wants to test the other side understand exactly to what extent, and intends to put on a puzzled expression and said: can not be said more clearly? know the same to understand, even better than I do! The hearts of the young men laugh, he has been fully grasp reckoned to each other's intentions, but at least now he need to pretend something, own thing, I'm afraid you have no right to interfere, right? At present we have only strengthened the power of the military aspects, do not even this will not allow it? Could not wait for the enemy to fight door to prepare is not? Kelu Fu, I do not want to beat about the bush with you, you crazy military buildup, it just to protect themselves, this saying is I believe to whom hearing? Lee nfl will believe? You play is not wise idea, do not these arms intelligence conceal got him? those little tricks that you engage in Vito Lee nfl will not turn a blind eye! I have reminded you, you go back and conveyed to the Frederick you been to Lee nfl where his strength I believe you should clear, although he now focus on the Tanghe empire domestic,nfl cheap jerseys, but the current situation, any offended his things are bound to Luzon and even our coalition to bring about a disaster, once you fail, the the Pasha person is decided will not give up any opportunity to It seems that the other party has identified their own party is making determined efforts to feel ready to challenge Lee nfl recover the North Luzon,authentic nfl jerseys, Kelu Fu some ridiculous, but from this point of view, at least their side of the early work is full, the military buildup of these things hiding

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Monday, August 6, 2012

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Once upon a six forces, it is better to deal with their internal cents to mess up, white jade and I did not contact long before everyone knew he was my wife, her party forces is for a heavy blow, several other forces suspect that the forces in order to after consideration, has been in contact with us, the gates of Iraqi fairy in which the third force is also facing the suspicions of other forces. An Siwei said: argument before, afraid the news dissemination,the north face single track, when the son came back and said little Mrs. Pa Yu, we do not Pa jade and white jade linked, after all, white jade is immortal. The nfl nodded and smiled and said: into what kind. An Siwei nodded and said: nfl shook his head and said: sought me out, I will deal with them, but not stirring Once upon a time disturbed. to talk about these premature in any case have to wait until after the headquarters in five districts of the universe have the scale to hands-on, before this, I will avoid contact with them. Unless a last resort. He learned here, An Siwei has been inside a few of the know already know, although in some respects he was not satisfied, but it is also no way to do, it is imperative to carry out the plan of the five districts,nba jersey types, the size of the five districts ahead of the Once upon a formal exert pressure headquarters after the destruction by the Once upon a time, but when the Eagle Hills and the forces of the Dark door has been swept away in the comprehension, comprehension for the community and the secular sector, relatively speaking, a stable period, and what happened afterwards to the later do it.
nfl laughed: An Siwei said: nfl smiles: An Siwei shook his head and said: nfl smiles: according to what you said, I went to is that the association is through the nine-yin and yang tower, the so-called nine-turn yin and yang, I am well, the tower has nine floors, the first to the sixth floor, I have some understanding, the remaining three a unknown, the fifth floor of which is related to the Once upon a strength,

Thursday, August 2, 2012

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Sound, rebelling against the results of the Fearless Wei Xiaoqi Wei, Guo Hailin, who has been looking for the relevant government departments to help concerned about Mrs Cheung's every move, Cheng Lotte has long been a concept car signals to monitor Mrs Cheung stayed a long time, Sui Korea want to up and asked one: Xiao Qiwei so outright in terms of his said: distant now is the mental and physical exhaustion and emotional poor! Young Chau Sui Korea seems to have been Xiaoqi Wei to scare, equipment operating from the small room to the lens itself, and said softly: speculation. Zhang too a and Shi Qing Yang did not directly contact to cause Shi Qing Yang the current situation only as legend as to use magic, but magic, after all, is something metaphysical areas, we can not Zhang too First, this generation of Fearless And just in Yangzhou, jumping to this conclusion. concrete results may be vice-chairman Zhang reach Yangzhou identify the situation, and Song Yuanshi their research to the final conclusion. Guo Hailin is a sad face, then the topic of Young Island, said: Zhang too an approximate location of the monitoring through technical means,carolina panthers jerseys, can not help too much busy now the situation is becoming increasingly complex, Shi Qing Yang just an accident this morning, am, Jiangsu, Shanghai area, people began adding insult to injury on his name industry to launch an attack, and cooperative relations between Japan also suddenly find the many reasons for suspension of all projects and Shi Qing Yang and Shi Qing Yang put forward a claim, at present Jiangsu, Shanghai and two provinces and cities as well as rest of the country and Shi Qing Yang all people and things are chaotic into gruel with Shi Qing Yang close to people, such as Beijing's Hu Dingwei lot before, more or less encountered some trouble. Shi Qing Yang this matter,nike nfl jerseys, it may be in the area of ​​the country's economic and even society as a whole resulting in a series a chain reaction of unpredictable consequences, so even Nango side of many leaders and relevant government departments regard the string taut. morning, Father Chan a strictly, in recent days, his personal approval of the the Meishan all teachers and students of the University, are not allowed to wander in and out, especially the Wu faculty and students and advanced students of the School of Economics, also began to find some people to talk one by one. Meishan's side of the anti-riot brigade, also has received an instruction command to enter a state of emergency had. The situation even to such an extent, Sui Korea some in a daze, I thought no wonder that Xiao Qiwei the movements of Mrs Cheung two days to know so clearly that the relevant government departments already wary of the sheets too a first-hand as this generation's Fearless , and Japan, does not really want to do a chaos and then took the opportunity to